R.B. Bear's three books of poems

Thanks for visiting! Here's a list of R.B.'s books:

What You Love & What Loves You

by R.B. Bear

The poems in this book describe a reality rich with adventure, love, and healing. Sometimes small revelations can break us through to another level of happiness - the poems present many of these transcendent moments.

To get it on Amazon, click here.

Notes on Your Bird Life

by R.B. Bear

These are poems doing what poems do best - giving us tiny blasts of beauty that light up the moment, and somehow make us whole again.

To get it on Amazon, click here.

The Early Years

by R.B. Bear

There's a huge amount of energy and vitality in these highly enjoyable poems from the early, untamed years of R.B. Bear.

To get it on Amazon, click here.

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